"Did you bring cards to Senegal?" I asked. "Did everyone learn how to play Zioncheck?!" Life without Zioncheck would be a sad life indeed.
"Well, I mean, it was hard to find exactly 4 people. And to not exclude people when we were all hanging out. Plus it takes an hour and a half..."
It's true. It's really hard to hit all the requirements to play the game. Once, before BF was BF, I called him, begging him to play with us because we were short a player. Then, our girlfriend called and said she could play after all. So as not to hurt his feelings, I called him back to say that someone else had dropped so were weren't going to play after all. Then we played without him, and had a great time.
Z is for Zioncheck. It has strict rules for # of players, takes over an hour, and players often get so angry at one another mid-game that they hold the grudge until the last round. Also, it can cause you to blatantly lie to people with whom you might someday be in a committed relationship. Why do we like this game again?
AWESOME JOB on the challenge, Gina!!
I am going to do my Z right now. I have a good idea.
I hope BF doesn't read your blog.
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