Thursday, July 17, 2008

As long as they don't call me pro-death...

What better way to lighten the mood of this blog than to give you a few quotes from the religious right? Specifically, the sector of the religious right that is so adamant about protecting the sanctity of life that they hold an annual rally to celebrate a man who killed an abortion provider in 1994. The following are some of the responses my non-profit organization received when they sent out their annual membership renewal notices. If it's helpful, try to picture them written in blood red permanent marker (which the majority of them were).

"BABY MURDERERS! How dare you! I have NEVER supported you! You are blatantly defying the Word of Jesus!"

"I was never a member of your organization or any like it. You act and dress like unpaid hookers and get caught by nature. Next thing you will want the right to choose to murder your two year old if he or she interferes with your hot pants lifestyle."

"I am adopted and 82 years old. I have three adopted children and thank God these women chose to carry their sexual indiscretions to fruition and give up their children for adoption. UNDERSTAND?!"

Has anyone else noticed how hot it has been this week? If I didn't have a closet full of hot pants to wear to work, I'd be dying of heat. The ability to dress like an unpaid hooker at my internship is only one of the many perks of working for the pro-choice movement.


Irv said...

I'd love to get your reaction to "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right" on Yahoo. Irv

Gina Marie said...

I posted a lengthy response to you yesterday, but decided that wasn't really the direction that I wanted to go in on this blog.

My overall reaction to that document? I think it's highly presumptuous to use any of those quotes to support the extremist agenda of "the religious right".

I agree with every one of those quotes, but don't find myself on the front lines of Paul Hill Days or signing my gay friends up for Richard Cohen's seminars. I highly doubt Abe or George would be there either.

Molly said...

ummm unpaid hookers?, sluts?

keep repping those hot pants over there.

Gina Marie said...

My closet is your closet, Molly. Safety Town has to get hot during the peak sun hours...